Newsletter May 2019


Our Spring Walks have concluded, April showers have brought May flowers, and our attention now turns to summer vacations, family gatherings, and sand between our toes.  As we look ahead to these fun summer activities, we’d like to first look back and thank the entire Southern New England community for your tremendous outpouring of love in support of Walk #84. As a result of your commitment, diligence, participation, and prayer, SNE Emmaus has experienced a resounding renewal as we witnessed the largest community presence in many years in terms of sponsors, pilgrims, candlelight attendees, and an overflowing Fourth Day insights gathering! God’s work was clearly evident throughout the past several months, and we thank you for being His hands and feet.

Summer Schedule

Looking ahead to the summer, we’re excited to share the good news of three upcoming regional gatherings, and are hopeful you’ll be able to squeeze one or more into your summer plans.  Our Gathering Oversight Team (Thanks Mike Rowe and team!) has geographically spread the events around New England to ease travel and scheduling constraints, and we encourage you to consider attending the one closest to you.

Upcoming events and sites include:

Cape Cod/Southeastern New England:
Saturday June 1 12pm-3pm Northside UMC, Brewster MA

Connecticut/Southwestern New England:
Saturday June 8 12pm-3pm Rockville UMC, Vernon CT

Eastern Mass:
Saturday June 22 12pm-3pm First UMC, Framingham MA

Community-Wide Cookout
Saturday August 10 12pm-6pm Goddard State Park, Warwick, RI

Looking a bit farther down the road, we ask you to consider saving the date of Saturday October 19 for a community-wide event similar to the widely-attended “Luke 24” event a few years ago, which will be held at Carter Memorial UMC in Needham, MA. More details will be provided as the date nears.

A reminder that all of our upcoming events are listed in the “Events” section of our website.

E-Mail Database Overhaul

You may have noticed a slight difference in the mailing of this newsletter, as we’ve migrated from Gmail to a service called “mailchimp” which many churches and non-profit organizations use.  The intent of this move is to ease the dissemination process, as well as make it easier for you to self-manage your subscription preferences. In doing so, we’ve performed an extensive review of our community registration and email databases, which contained some duplicate, stale, or incorrect addresses, and are aware some of you may be receiving this initial mailing at a duplicate address or at an unintended destination. As such, we ask that you use the “update my preferences” link at the bottom of this page in the event you’d like to make a correction, and any adjustments will be made automatically. Thanks!

2020 Spring Walks

A reminder that our community has migrated to an annual Walk cadence to increase efficiencies and economies of scale, and our next walks are scheduled for April 23 – 26 (Men’s) and April 30 – May 3, 2020 (Women’s). While those dates may seem far off, time has a tendency to “fly” and thus we continue to encourage prospective sponsors to prayerfully consider who God may be placing in your path throughout the year, and to submit applications as you feel led. Doing so will also greatly ease the scheduling process for your leadership team.

We thank the community for their strong support of this shift to an annual schedule, and we plan on continuing to work with the Leadership Team and community to ensure God’s SNE family remains active and engaged throughout the year!

Board of Directors Ballots (Reply Requested)

Lastly, the Southern New England Emmaus bylaws call for the annual election of the Board of Directors.  The following persons have been nominated and are hereby presented to the community for election, or re-election, for their respective terms beginning June 1, 2019.

Lori Eldredge, Carl Englehart, Darryl Gifford, Jay Sperry, Ruth Sperry, Kim Whynacht

Coni Ferland, Barbara Fortin, Dean Fortin, Don Henrich, Bonnie-jean Rowe, Mike Rowe, Beverly Stenmark

Chris Genannt, Dan Genannt, Debra Miller, Don Miller, Donna Moody, Glenn Moody, LaVergne Randolph, Jr.

You may indicate your vote in one of two methods:
1.  Reply to this email with your vote: YES or NO
2.  Check YES or NO on this ballot and mail it to SNE Emmaus, PO Box 166, Barrington, RI 02806

Thank you for your time and consideration as we continue God’s important SNE mission.

Don & Debra Miller
SNE Emmaus Community Lay Directors